Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Are These Marked Right?

I was getting dressed for work and I went to put on a new pair of tights because it was chilly today. As I am pulling and tugging and wrenching the tights onto my body, I am thinking, "They took this whole 'tights' thing way to seriously at the hosiery factory!" I finally get the allegedly "Q" sized tights up to my waist and they are seriously cutting off the circulation in my lower extremities. I wanted "control top", not "cut you in half top" Alas, I had to wear a different pair. This banal event actually had some significance in my life this morning. Seriously, this is as exciting as it gets around my house. Except when the Uncommitted Hubby and I sing old TV theme songs. Then we really rock. And our Uncommitted Daughter looks at us as if we are ready for the mental ward. Which we are. Aren't sentence fragments fun? I'm losing it.


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