I told you....
True to form, I have not posted a blog for two weeks. I did say that I wouldn't post every day. It has been CRAZY around my house. First, I got sick with a cold, which is not that big a deal, but I did feel puny for about two weeks. I even got laryngitis. In the midst of being sick and going to work and taking care of things at home, the kid got sick and spent most of one night throwing up every few hours. Fun! She is all better now, thank goodness. After all of us started feeling better, it was time to prepare for me to leave town for a few days. Now, I run our household, so my absence will be felt. Believe me, I have ALOT to do before I head out. Last but not least, I turned 41 this week. It was a strange birthday. I wasn't 100% healthy, but on the mend. I feel middle-aged now. When I was 40, I could still tell myself that I was young. I know it's only one more year, but it makes a difference to me, for some reason. Oh well. Getting older beats the alternative!
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